Continental Continuous Flow Fuel Injection System Adjustment
Many mechanics find the adjustment of Continental Fuel Injections systems to be a mysterious and daunting task.
This does not have to be the case. With the correct tools and set-up information, it can be relatively easy to achieve Smooth, Safe engine operation.
Correct fuel injection system adjustment is critical to safe efficient engine operation.
Effective throttle response, control of cylinder head temperatures, exhaust gas temperatures, and ultimately power output of the engine are all tied directly to a properly adjusted fuel injection system.
Detailed procedures and Specifications for fuel system adjustment are found in Continental Maintenance Manual M-0. Extensive tables are provided which detail pressure and flow parameters for individual engine models. Please ensure that you are using a current copy of this manual.
M-0 provides detailed schematics of various types of fuel systems which detail hose routing and test gauge attachment. Detailed drawings are provided which show various fuel system components and where adjustments are made. In most cases, the drawings will indicate which direction to turn the adjuster.
Continental recommends the use of a “Porta-Test” unit, or calibrated gauges for confirmation and calibration of fuel system pressures. If calibrated gauges are used, M-0 specifies the range and increment of the gauges to be used. These adjustments must be precise and require the use of precision gauges.
Continental fuel injection systems generally incorporate high pressure (full power) and low pressure (idle) adjustments. It is important to understand that adjustment of one parameter can (and usually does) affect the other. Adjustment of the fuel injection system usually requires small adjustments of both the high and low pressures until both parameters meet the specifications.